( Excerpted from my book Our Summer in Australia & New Zealand. Amazon.com)
John Starr, the owner of Telegraph Farm is a man of great imagination and energy. He uses a portion of his farm less suitable for crops or grazing to raise flowers for export, especially to the Japanese market. He plants perennials, providing thereby a renewable product. The Japanese inspect every delivery and if even one insect is found, the entire shipment is denied delivery. In the fading light of the day we gazed over acres of beautiful commercial flower beds. John cut flowers for all the women on board, each leaving with a bouquet containing the Queen Protea, the star of the plantings.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Gwen finished preparing a meal using Telegraph Farm products, to be served boarding house style; venison, buffalo, ostrich, bowls of farm fresh vegetables, home baked muffins, and a selection of fine local wines, this being another of Australia's many wine producing regions.
Our stay at telegraph was informative, ending with a large Australian farm meal, and of course a wonderful alternative to the nine foot seas. Hang in the Gwen and John...Good on ya mate!
(Picture of farm raised elk and the queen protea)