As I said, we took the long way,stopping at Oberon, and we were thankful for our decision. Oberon taught us a lot about Australian development. Mrs Laurie McMahon, a descendant of pioneers, runs the museum which is dedicated to life in Oberon in yesteryear's. Winter comes with a vengeance to Oberon, at 2000 feet above sea level and exposed to open plains. We were treated to a tour and viewed collected artifacts from the rough days of early settlement, through the advent of the railroad, radio days and up up present times. The farm cabin was in use for almost 100 years and is the real ting. No heat, no plumbing, no electricity even up to the end. It is decked out almost as though you had stopped by at the turn of the century. The railroad doesn't go anywhere. It was built in the early 20s to bring out copper from a local mine. Just as it was completed the copper ran out. And there is an 18 hole golf course that has a unique was of keeping the grass trimmed. Grazing kangaroos. No kidding.
I know this is really out of the way for most tourists, but for the adventurous, give it a try. Or read about it in my book, Our Summer in Australia and New Zealand.